- 03300564457
- admin@kyptraining.com
KYP has been accredited to the matrix Standard, demonstrating the high quality service delivery KYP provides impartial, responsive, friendly and enabling information, advice and guidance services to learners.
‘Basic skills, digital skills, employability and transversal/soft skills are crucial in preparing young people for an apprenticeship and for building successful careers. This practical resource will enable pre-apprenticeship providers to develop and enhance their programmes to ensure that young people are equipped with the key skills they need for the future’ https://www.fenews.co.uk/
KYP determines the Apprenticeship learning module to be assessed (e.g., application of theory to practice and discipline-specific soft skills) and what kind of evidence of learning can be used.
Identifying the students need to achieve and be clear about what will be measured, taking into account any accreditation or certification requirements. Agree on who is involved in the assessment process and clarify roles in terms of how stakeholders will be involved, whether this be in only some aspects of assessment (i.e., host supervisor involved in formative assessment only).
KYP provides support and training for anyone involved in assessment as stakeholders may be unfamiliar with the aspect of learning, situation of learning and/or some of the methods used for assessment.
Consider the situation/context of learning which will vary between students and ensure the assessment package is flexible and realistic enough to account for variations while also being equitable to all students.