
Collaboration and partnership between service providers, employer providers and ESFA educational institutions will enhance the relevancy of educational programmes and take cognisance of emerging trends in the Adult & CYPW sectors.  

(i) The student is self-directed

(ii) The student’s past experiences are a rich resource for learning

(iii) Readiness to learn develops from life tasks and problems

(iv) The student demonstrates curiosity and is self-motivated to grow and achieve


Students developing their learning through an ePortfolio (One File) assigned to a work-based learning assessor who will support the tutorials using action-learning apprenticeships.  This role involves helping students clarify their thoughts about experiences in practice and helping relate these back to theory. Strategies used within 1/2/1/ tutorials and action-learning groups relating to, listening, questioning, supporting, and challenging, work being set provides guidance and motivation towards a common goal through communities of practice.