Adult Training

The adult training project monitors and reviews adult learning trends and policy developments. The focus is on how work-based learning help people develop the skills that give them greater chances of finding jobs and improving their careers.

  • Apprenticeships in work-based learning
  • In recent years the value of apprenticeships in combating youth unemployment has come to the fore. The Centre, in cooperation with the Commission, is helping to create apprenticeship alliances across Europe. It is also preparing country reviews on apprenticeships.

  • Assessing VET’s benefits
  • Cedefop is investigating the benefits of VET at micro (individual, enterprise), meso (sectors, social groups and communities) and macro (economy and society, country and European Union) levels.

  • Early leaving from education and training
  • Lifelong learning begins in youth, and early leaving from education and training has a negative effect on both education and employment. Cedefop is currently reviewing European and national strategies that aim to keep young people in education and training and lower the dropout rate.

  • Lifelong Guidance
  • Guidance and counselling should accompany learners and workers at every transition. The Lifelong guidance project reviews related policy and strategy developments in the Member States. It identifies successful initiatives and makes recommendations for future work in Europe and individual countries.

  • Teachers and Trainers’ professional development
  • The Teachers and Trainers’ professional development project monitors trends affecting the roles, skills and training of teachers and trainers who work in vocational education and training, including adult learning and work-based training. The project promotes knowledge-sharing between practitioners and decision-makers and makes proposals on the professional development of vocational teachers and trainers.

  • Validation of non-formal and informal learning
  • The project reviews trends in Validation of non-formal and informal learning – i.e. of learning that takes place outside formal education and training bodies – and supports the development and implementation of validation systems in Member States.

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